antagonisms – a refusal of the inheritance of sovereignty, a refusal to bracket questions of violence involved in processes of cultural constitution, a refusal of the subsumption of knowledges to serve predictability, risk management, creative neo-industrialization
common – always-already there, retrieved rather than created, creating possibilities to speak universality without sovereignty
echoes – echoes of a will to connect that reverberates across borders, of post-tricontinentalist projects subsumed, to dismiss, to depoliticize, to de-singularize, under the all-too-generous umbrella of the postcolonial, echoes that cannot but involve our acts of communication in genealogies of usage
ecologies – trace renegotiations of culture/nature dichotomies, follow shifts from disciplinary to security in regimes of nature, map the logistic of apparatuses, discourses, institutions that turn objects into objects, subjects into subjects, relations into relations
labour – the becoming-cultural of the economic, economies of expenditure rather than efficiency, a labour of loss at work in the return of the soul
network – grasping the simultaneity of condition, state, process, of constitutive dimensions of contemporary and historical forms of networking
science – the production of knowledges to sustain ethico-aesthetic practices, sciences of sensibility rather than service
translation – paradoxes of correspondence and incommensurability, of acts of translation that are also acts of refusal, attentive to traces of the way experiences of migration inscribe themselves in specific idioms and languages, a practice to bring into existence alternative worlds and their representations