Capitalist Development and Logistical Rationality
Giorgio Grappi
June 14, 2012
Giorgio Grappi
(In memory of Kalyan Sanyal)
Giorgio Grappi
The news of Kalyan Sanyal's departure reached us unexpectedly. Sanyal passed away on February 18th in a clinic in his hometown, Kolkata, at the age of sixty. We therefore want to dedicate this note to the memory of a brilliant Bengali economist and intellectual with whom we had an intense dialogue. We had the opportunity to meet Sanyal several times, lastly in September 2011 in Kolkata, during the roundtable on Karl Marx's The Capital part 8, vol. 1 (chapters 26-33), “The so called primitive accumulation”. Sanyal was one of the keynote speakers, together with Ranabir Samaddar, Sandro Mezzadra and Brett Neilson. The roundtable opened the Critical Studies Conference on Development, Logistics and Governance, the fourth of a series organized by the Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group. The conference occurred alongside the Transit Labour Kolkata Platform which brought together a group of researchers from India, Australia and Italy in the exploration of selected sites at the core of economic and governmental developments of metropolitan Kolkata.
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